The WUKF recognises that coaches play a huge role in the development of our sport across the world. We are committed to ensuring our coaches are as highly skilled as they can be, and we want to assist with ongoing learning and development. This is why we are offering our Coaches Education program for FREE to all WUKF Members.

The WUKF Coaches Education Program is accredited by the EurEthICS Training Academy, which will allow you to obtain a certified European Qualification Framework (EQF) level qualification. We have introduced a graded assessment for WUKF Coach certification.

Please note – the online exam is mandatory for all coaches attending the forthcoming WUKF European Karate Championships in Antibes, France. You can take the exam as many times as is necessary.

All those who successfully complete the exam will be issued with a diploma by EurEthICS Training Academy and the WUKF. Any questions about the program can be sent to email: athletescoaches@wukf.org

You can access the training and coaches exam here:
