The WUKF was proud to host our Afro-Asia Open Championships in Mostaganem (Algeria) over 15th to 19th November.
This event brought together athletes, coaches and referees from 10 countries including: Kuwait, Palestine, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Romania, USA, England and France.
The event was started with a 3-day Referee Course led by Prof. Essam Shreif, Vice President of the WUKF Referee Commission.
The course consisted of theoretical and practical work and was attended by 58 referees.
The competition was held over two days with hundreds of athletes in attendance.
The event was held with the full support and responsibility of the Algerian government.
We would like to thank the Mayor of Mostaganem, and representatives from the Algerian Sports Ministry who attended the opening ceremony.
We also thank WUKF World President Dr Liviu Crisan, for his continuing support for this region.
A special thanks to the President of WUKF Algeria, Mr Khelifa Benkaakaa, for his excellent hospitality and organisation of the competition.
Together we are strong.