Over September 29th to October 12th, members of the Slovak Federation of Karate and Martial Arts participated in a seminar of Okinawan Karate and Kobudo on the island of Okinawa. Mr Daniel Baran of the WUKF Executive Committee was part of the delegation. The Hombu dojo of the Federation in Tomigusuku became a temporary residence for the delegation. The dojo belongs to sensei Seiki Gibo.
The seminar was attended by the following:
Sensei Ľudovít Divinec, 8th Dan Karate, 4th Dan Kobudo, Technical Director of the federation
Sensei Ján Dado, 8th Dan Karate, 4th Dan Kobudo, Head of National Team Coaches
Sensei Ľubomíra Dado Klementisová, 7th Dan Karate, 4th Dan Kobudo, Kata National Team Coach
Sensei Daniel Baran, 5th Dan karate, 1st Dan Kobudo, President of Slovak Federation, WUKF Executive Committee
During the visit, representatives of the Slovak Federation were instructed by Sensei from Goju ryu Kokusai Karate and Kobudo Renmei. The organisation was founded by Hanshi Seiko Higa, the founder of Shodokan Goju Ryu Karate.
The training sessions were conducted by:
Hanshi Choyu Kiyuna, 10th Dan Karate, 10th Dan Kobudo, Saiko Shihan
Hanshi Seiki Gibo, 10th Dan Karate, 10th Dan Kobudo
Hanshi Akira Gushi, 9th Dan Karate, 7th Dan Kobudo, president of the Renmei
Hanshi Shigeru Kinjo, 9th Dan Karate, 7th Dan Kobudo
Kyoshi Tadashi Shinjo, 8th Dan Karate, member of the management of the Renmei
The seminar focused on technical input, partner training and Kata. In addition to training in the main dojo, the group also practiced in Asato Dojo. The Slovak Federation of Karate and Martial Arts are looking forward to welcoming masters to Slovakia next summer and was praised for its continued partnership with the island of Okinawa.